Like HTT on Facebook New 2024 Cimarron Trailers Stock Trailer North Jackson OH (319567)
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New Gooseneck Stock Trailer

2024 Cimarron Trailers LS1SG2400280G

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Dealer Stock #: 41793
Hitch Type: Gooseneck
Construction: Aluminum

LWH: L:24.00' W: 8.00' H: 7.70'
GVW: 16000

New all aluminum 2024 Cimarron Lonestar. 2024 Cimarron Trailers 24’ combo trailer. -WERM floor -4 aluminum pens and 1 cut gate -side ramp into stock compartment and track room -6’ tack room and 18’ stock area -hydraulic jack -lower fold down air gap with 2 stock sides w/ plexiglass -aluminum wheels This stock combo trailer has extruded aluminum flooring with mats, side slat aluminum walls with plexiglass inserts and a full swing center gate. The dress in this stock trailer is a full wall with bridle hooks, clothes bars, saddle racks and a brush tray. This unit also has a full swinging rear door with a slider. Other features include: 8,000lb Dexter Torflex axles, electric all-wheel brakes, 16” aluminum wheels. Call for more details! *We believe these specifications to be accurate. Any discrepancies are unintentional. Please verify all information with a sales associate prior to purchasing* Stock Number:41793

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We have been in the trailer business for 59 years and counting!

Leonard Truck & Trailer ranks among the oldest and largest trailer dealers in the nation. We are one of the largest Sundowner, Bison, Cimarron, SMC, Hart, Shadow, Trails West, Valley, Wilson, Maxxim, and Jackson Trailer dealers in the nation! Whether you're looking for a Bumper-Pull Horse Trailer, or Gooseneck Horse Trailer, a Living Quarters Horse Trailer or Livestock Trailer, we have the perfect one to fit your every need. For livestock owners, we've got a huge assortment of trailers that will get you back and forth from the shows and fairs in style.

Need a Toy Hauler with Living Quarters? Or an enclosed trailer to protect your ATV / Snowmobile, Motorcycle, or Car? Whatever the need, whatever the size, you're guaranteed to find the perfect trailer to haul any number of animals or vehicles from point A to point B! If you need construction trailers, we have Utility Trailers, Dump Trailers, Equipment Trailers, Paver Specials, and lowboys and detachable neck for sale.

Leonard Truck & Trailer has been specializing in horse trailer sales since 1963. With over 700 trailers in stock, and the ability to custom order any horse trailer or living quarters to suit your individual needs, Leonard Trailers has become a leader in the trailer industry. 

Leonard Truck & Trailer offers the best trailers, the best selection, and the best prices at our Northeast Ohio MEGASTORE. In fact, we are one of the largest trailer dealers in the nation!
